Deskripsi Kucing Dalam Bahasa Inggris Brainly

Deskripsi Kucing Dalam Bahasa Inggris Brainly

Deskripsi Kucing Dalam Bahasa Inggris Brainly

deskripsi tentang kucing dalam bahasa inggris

1. deskripsi tentang kucing dalam bahasa inggris

cat is a colour a red.eyes a cat is a colour blackthis cat has long tailed , black mustache .cat meat food ,cat it like claw .live in the zoo

2. Bisakah Kalian Mendeskripsikan Kucing Dengan Bahasa Inggris ?

has two ears, has long tail, has a smooth hair, has two eyes, has four legs

3. mendeskripsikan kucing ke dalam bahasa inggris

kucing bahasa inggris nya kittyMy Kitten

I keep a kitten in my house. I name it Putih like its fur’s colour. It’s a male kitten. My uncle gave it to me when it was a week old since he still has four other kittens.

Putih is now a month old. Its coat is dominated by white fur, and dark fur both on its ear edge and tail. Its four legs are all as white as snow. Its body has fluffy and soft fur, that’s why I love to pet him.

My kitten, Putih likes to eat meat and fish. I feed it twice or three times in a day. It always eats the food ravenously till nothing is left in the bowl. I also give a bowl of water for it to drink.

Putih is an active and adorable kitten. He usually plays with my neighbor’s puppy. Putih and the puppy are always running and jumping altogether all day in my front yard and also in my neighbor’s house.

4. deskripsi kucing bahasa inggris ​

Cats are also called domestic cats [1] [2] or house cats (scientific name: Felis silvestris catus or Felis catus) are a type of carnivorous mammal from the family Felidae. The word “cat” usually refers to “cat” that has been tamed, [6] but can also refer to “big cats” like lions and tigers.

Cats have mingled with human life for at least 6,000 years BC, from the skeletons of cats on the island of Cyprus. [7] Ancient Egyptians from 3,500 BC have used cats to keep mice or other rodents away from barns that store crops. [8]

At present, cats are one of the most popular pets in the world. [9] Cats whose lineages are officially recorded as bree
d cats or pure breeds, such as persia, siam, manx, and sphinx. Cats like these are usually bred in official animal rearing centers. The number of race cats is only 1% of all cats in the world, the rest are cats with mixed offspring such as wild cats or village cats.

5. Teks deskripsi dalam bahasa inggris tentang kucing


Cats are very intelligent. Apart from being cute and adorable, they are smart too. Cats never forget anything, so whatever you teach them, they remember it throughout their life. Cats are very friendly and one of the best companions in terms of pet animals.

6. deskripsikan tentang seekor kucing dalam bahasa inggris​

cat is cute and shy and have skin black and white

I love my cat ,Manis.It makes me happy . When I tickle it, it rolls around and taps paws on my hand. I like the feeling . It has three colors, white, yellow ,and black.

7. mendeskripsikan kucing menggunakan bahasa inggris

cat is quadruped . hearing sharp cat . there eyes are yellow , blue , green .no cat fur is white , black, yellow, and stripedcat is an animal that we can keep as a pet. It’s so cute and adorable! Cats have a lot of different colors their eyes and fur. it usually eats fish or pet food. Every cats hate water and dogs. Sometime cat can be dangerous because if you disturb it when its eat, they will scratch you.

8. contoh deskripsi kucing dalam bahasa inggris

my cat
I have a cat in my house,the cat is male.I like call him”papay”he is an adorable cat,my cat is cute.his body is fat.hi has black and white fur.I really love to cuddle him because his fur feels soft.every morning my mother gives a fish,sometime he usually scratches out my arm when I play with him.he is an activite animal.he likes to run around the house.he likes to chase everyone in my house.when he feels tired or sleeps on the sofa in the living room or sometime under the table.”papay”often goes out to find for food at night .and sometime he brings a mouse on his mouth. then he east the mouse in the back of my house for himself.

9. Deskripsi kucing dengan bahasa inggris Dan terjemaahannya

cat has two long ears . cat have four foot. cat has smooth fur. cat likes meat or fish for eat


kucing punya dua telinga panjang. kucing punya empat kaki. kucing punya bulu halus. kucing suka daging atau ikan untuk makan

10. deskripsi kucing bahasa inggris

Has a tail Has two eyes Has four legs It is a carnivora animal Maaf itu aja yang ku taucat is a tame animal. it have four leg and like eat fish. it have tail and really good vision in the night

11. contoh deskripsi tentang kucing dalam bahasa inggris .

Cat was cute,has a flat nose,has four leg,has a couple of circle eyes,always say meongmeong

Maaf kalo ga nyambungI have one cat .his name is chemong.Chemong is a male reguler house cat.He has orange fur with white and black spots.He has black patches around his eyes .That’s why I call him Chemong.I like to cuddle him because his fur feels soft.Every morning I give Chemong nilk .Chemong does not like rice ,so I give him fried chicken and he likes it very much.
Chemong is an active animal .He likes to chase everyone in my house .When he feels tired and sleepy ,Chemong usually sleeps an the sofa in the living room or sometimes under the table.

12. Deskripsikanlah teks. kucingdalam bahasa Inggris​

The cat is a pet animal. It is a pretty animal. It has a lovely round face. It has four legs, two ears, two eyes and a tail. Its body is covered with soft fur. Cats are different colours. It has sharp teeth and sharp claws. It walks without making sound. It can climb up a tree and can jump from one roof to another. It is found all over the world. It is found of milk and fish. It also eats meat, rice and curry. The cat kills rats. It is very useful to us. It makes a sound “Mew” When it sounds Mew, the rat runs away and she catches it. It looks like a tiger. Its eyes are bright. The eyes of the cat which are of gray colour, shine at night. Everybody loves this creature.

13. deskripsi kucing dengan bahasa inggris

Cat have 2 ears, 4 legs, a long tail. cats love to chase a mouse. eat a chicken or a fish.

maaf ya kalo salah 🙂
cat have :
2 eyes ,
4 legs ,
2 ears ,
have nice fur and cat eat cat food

*maaf kalo salah^^*

14. deskripsi kucing dalam bahasa Inggris

I have a pet . It is very cute animal . It has smooth fur. It is very clever animal . It has sharp teeth . It is tame animal . My mom and i were adopt it because it is very cute . I called it mumu

15. deskripsi pendek tentang kucing bahasa inggris


Cats are four-legged mammals. Cats are often used as pets. Because generally, the cat is very cute.Cats have 2 eyes that have very sharp eyesight. That’s why it can look for directions or see in the darkness of the night. Cats also have tails. This tail is used to maintain balance. In addition, cats also have divorce, 1 nose with a sharp sense of smell, and much more.

Cats have very beautiful and fine fur. The benefit if we keep cats is one of them repel mice. maaf kalau salah.

16. Deskripsi kucing dalam bahasa inggris

My cat I have a new cat..she is named Lala. She likes eta milk and fish. She often played with me. She’s hair body colored grey and black. I miss Lala so much.i have a cat.i adopted him from my neighbour.i call him kitty.his fur is white with black spots.he is a regular old cat.he is an lick cat.everbody in my house likes to hug him.since he is a house cat,he usually eats rice with salmon fish or chicken.

17. deskripsikan binatang kucing dalam bahasa inggris

-it is cute
-it has beautiful fur
-it is agile
-it has mustache
-it has tail
Usually cat sleeps around 12 till 16 hours/ day
Usually cat eat fish 
Cat is a carnivore animal
Cat often brush their fur with their tounge
Usually cat like to play with a laser pointer
(Maaf kalo salah ya..)

18. cara mendeskripsikan kucing dalam bahasa inggris

I have cat
his color black and white
he love to get some hug and sweet tea
he like to eat fish
he have green eyes
I love my cat ever

kucing KU mati

cedihhhI have Cat
 maaf jika salah
hanya tau segini 🙂

19. Deskripsi tentang kucing dalam bahasa inggris

My Cat      

I have a cat. It is a female cat. She has a long tail. She like to lick her tail.

My cat’s fur is white and brown. So, I call her
“si belang” because she has two collor.

Belang like to eat fish. But sometime I also fed her tempe. She also like tempe.

At the afternoon, when the sunset, she like to play outside the house. She will be running, rolling, and then climbing the tree. She is so funny.

20. deskripsikan tentang hewan kucing dalam bahasa inggris


it’s have soft fur
it’s have cute eyes
it’s loves to play”This Animal Has a Tiny Claw,an Ears,Nose, And a Long Tail. And This Animal Have a Different Fur Color Wich Is Make It More Interesting In Any Color. And Make Many People Have This Animal As They Pet. This Animal Have Many Type,For Example:

– Persian (This Cats Has a Flat Nose Wich Its Make More Interesting!)
– Sphyinx (This Cat Doesn’t Have a Fur Like Other Cat’s)
-And So Much More!”

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