Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Halaman 8

Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Halaman 8

Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Halaman 8

jawaban bahasa Inggris kelas 8 halaman 9​

Daftar Isi

1. jawaban bahasa Inggris kelas 8 halaman 9​


1. Good morning = Greeting

2. Good night = Parting

3. Hello! = Greeting

4. How do you do ? = Greeting

5. How’s life? = Greeting

6. Goodbye = Parting

7. See you = Parting

8. Good afternoon = Greeting

9. How is everything with you? = Greeting

10. Catch you later = Parting


Greeting expressions adalah ungkapan menyapa atau sapaan saat bertemu dan dipakai untuk memulai pembicaraan.

Parting expressions adalah salam perpisahan dan dipakai untuk mengakhiri pembicaraan.

2. jawaban bahasa Inggris kelas 8 halaman 9​


1. I’m good. And you ?

2. Everything is fine.

3. Good morning too!

4. Nice to meet you too

5. How do you do ?

6. Good afternoon!

7. Sir, can i get the menu, please?

8. Good bye and thank you, sir. The foods are delicious.

9. Good night. See you later!

10. Good night, sis. Sweet dream!

Semoga membantu^^

Pelajaran : English

Tema : Greetings and conversations

kelas : 8

3. Jawaban bahasa Inggris kelas 9 halaman 8 DIKUMPULKAN!!

Now I know it’s important:

to say “congratulations!” to people for their success, their achievements, and their good fortunes.to say “I hope for the best” to pray for other people’s success, achievements, and good fortunes.


[Sekarang aku paham bahwa penting:

untuk mengucapkan “selamat!” kepada orang atas kesuksesan mereka, pencapaian mereka, dan keberuntungan mereka.untuk mengucapkan “aku mengharapkan yang terbaik” untuk mendoakan kesuksesan, pencapaian, dan keberuntungan orang.]

PEMBAHASANExpression of congratulation

   Ketika kamu melihat keberhasilan atau kesuksesan seseorang, apakah yang akan kamu ucapkan kepadanya? Tentu saja kamu mengucapkan “selamat!”, bukan? Apakah kamu tahu apa saja ungkapan selamat dalam Bahasa Inggris?

   Mungkin kamu akan bilang “congratulations!”. Mungkin juga kamu akan bilang “congrats!”. Bahkan mungkin saja kamu tidak tahu. Berikut ini adalah beberapa ungkapan selamat (expression of congratulation) dalam Bahasa  Inggris yang dapat kamu ucapkan kepada seseorang.

Congratulations! [Selamat!]Congrats! [Selamat!]That’s wonderful! [Bagus sekali!]Good for you! [Bagus untukmu!]Fantastic! [Fantastis!]Well done! [Kerja yang bagus!]Let me congratulate you for your success. [Kuucapkan selamat atas kesuksesanmu]Happy Birthday! [Selamat ulang tahun!]Happy Holiday! [Selamat liburan!/Selamat Natal!]Merry Christmas! [Selamat Hari Natal!]Happy Eid Mubarak! [Selamat Idul Fitri!]Happy New Year! [Selamat Tahun Baru!]Happy Anniversary! [Selamat ulang tahun!]You must be very happy with your achievement. [Kamu pasti sangat senang dengan pencapaianmu]I must congratulate you on your success. [Aku seharusnya memberi ucapan selamat kepadamu atas kesuksesanmu]It was great to hear about your achievement. [Sangat menyenangkan mendengar prestasimu]Please accept my warmest congratulation. [Terimalah ucapan selamat dariku]

   Setelah kamu mengetahui ungkapan selamat dalam Bahasa Inggris dari seseorang, sekarang bagaimanakah kamu membalas ucapannya dalam Bahasa Inggris? Apakah yang akan kamu katakan untuknya?

   Apakah kamu a
kan mengucapkan “thank you!”? Nah, itu adalah salah satu respon yang cukup tepat untuk ungkapan selamat yang diberikan oleh seseorang. Selain “thank you!”, kamu juga dapat merespon ungkapan selamat dengan:

That’s very kind of you. [Kamu sangat baik]Thank you so much! [Terima kasih banyak!]How nice of you to say so. [Betapa baiknya kamu sudah mengucapkan selamat]Oh, thanks! [Oh, terima kasih!]I’m glad you think so. [Aku senang kamu memikirkannya]Oh, not really. [Tidak juga]

Stating hope

   Selain ungkapan selamat, adakah hal lain yang mungkin akan kamu katakan? Setelah mengucapkan selamat, biasanya harapan adalah hal yang akan kita ucapkan selanjutnya, bukan?

   Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh ungkapan harapan (hope) untuk seseorang dalam Bahasa Inggris.

I hope you will get a scholarship. [Aku harap kamu akan mendapatkan beasiswa]I hope we can always be friends. [Aku berharap kita akan selalu bersahabat]We hope for the best. [Kami mengharapkan yang terbaik]I hope you have a great day. [Semoga harimu menyenangkan]


Perbedaan hope dan wishes:

brainly.co.id/tugas/23231358_______________DETAIL JAWABAN

[tex]\bold {Mapel\::}[/tex] Bahasa Inggris

[tex]\bold {Kelas\::}[/tex] 9

[tex]\bold {Materi\::}[/tex] Expression of congratulation, stating hope and wishes

[tex]\bold {Kode\:Kategorisasi\::}[/tex] 9.5.1

Kata Kunci : Expression of congratulation, Stating hope


4. tolong jawab soal ini hari ini dikumpulkan!! 1. who is strong wind? 2.what was strong wind’s special capability? 3. How would strong wind’s sister know that the girls were lying? 4. who burned the chief’s youngest daughter? who could see strong wind and how could she do that? 6. How did the chief’s youngest daughter regain her old face? 7. what did strong wind change into an aspen tree? 8. Did strong wind know that the chief elder daughters were rude to their youngest sister? justify your answer. 9. why did strong wind decide to have the chief youngest daughter as his wife? 10. if you were in the story. which role would you play? why? halaman 91 bahasa inggris kelas x semester 2.

1. who is strong wind?
2.what was strong wind’s special capability?
3. How would the wind’s sister know that the girls were lying?
4. who burned the chief’s youngest daughter?
Who could see the wind and how could she do that?
6. How did the chief’s youngest daughter regain her old face?
7. what did strong wind change into an aspen tree?
8. Did you know that the chief elder daughters were rude to their youngest sisters? Justify your answer.
9. why did a strong wind decide to have the chief youngest daughter as his wife?
10. if you were in the story. Which role would you play? Why?

5. tolong kak jawab tugas yang bahasa inggris kelas 8 semester 1 halaman 9 buku lks​


– Attention : 6, 12

– Checking for Understanding : 5, 8, 9, 11

– Compliment : 4, 10

– Opinion : 3, 7


semoga benar dan membantu

6. rubah kalimat di bawah ini ke bahasa inggris .1.saya sedang mendengarkan radio. 2.ibu sedang memasak di dapur. 3.bapak sedang membaca koran sambil minum kopi. 4.petani sedang mencangkul di sawah. 5.pa guru sedang memberi tugas matematika hitungan. 6.nabil sedang menggambar pegunungan. 7.Adit sedang membersihkan wc murid. 8.murid kelas lima sedang bermain volly di lapangan. 9.murid-murid sedang membersihkan halaman sekolah. 10.Ridwan melihat hantu pada malam hari. tolong di jawab pliz

no.2 my mom cooking in the kitchen maaf kl salah

7. jawaban bahasa Inggris kelas 8 chapter 9 practice 4 halaman 87​


1. B

2. D

3. C

4. B

5. A

6. A

7. A

8. A



jadikan jawaban tercerdas’-‘


1. B









Maaf Kalau salah

8. Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 halaman 70 review,bantuan nya kak jam 9 dikumpulin Jawab asal report

















16. a.





Maaf kak kalau jawabannya salah

9. mohon jawabannya bahasa inggris kelas 11 semester 2 halaman 31. 1.which of following natural disasters do you think is the most horrifying: earthquake, Tsunamis, Thunderstroms or floods ? Why ? 2. What natural disaster have you experienced ? Can you share what happened ? 3. What is the worst earthquake that indonesia has witnessed ? How much demage did it cause ? How did do you respond to the disaster ? explain 4. Can you state an example of man made disaster ? 5. What kind of disasters are common in inonesia ? 6. What would you do if you knew there would soon be an earthquake and this could be your last day on earth ? 7. Do you know anything abouy the “ring of fire ? Can you find information and discuss it with your claasmate? 8. If you could volunteer to help after a natural disaster, what would you do ? 9. Do you think the world should be more concerned about natural disasters or man mad disasters ? Discuss and give respons to support your answer

1. I think Tsunamis. Because it can destroys anything in one second only.

2. I ever experienced floods. It makes me difficult to go anywhere because the high rate of waters. Even my house got flooded and wet.

3. The worst earthquake ever in Indonesia is in Aceh 2004. It caused 100.000+ lives died in Indonesia until the west coast of African beaches. It was a terrible accident, because in that time Indonesia was so lacks of knowledges and warning about tsunamis after earthquake.

4. Yes i can. The examples are flood and landslides.

5. Indonesia commonly get earthquake and volcanoes eruptions.

6. I will save my families and my live! I want to continue my life.

7. Ring of fire is an area that earthquake and volcanoes eruption commonly happen.

8. If i could volunteer to help a natural disaster, i would tell my friends to help me give them a shelter, foods, and also clothes if they need it.

9. Yes it should. Because if the world knows the effect of natural disaster first, we could minimalize the impact of the disaster.

Semoga membantu 🙂

10. 6. Anggota Pemerintah Pusat, k
ecuali ….a. presidenb. gubernurc. menterid. wakil presiden7. Tingkat yang lebih rendah dari sebuah kabupaten adalah…a. desab. provinsic. kotamadyad. kabupaten8. Tingkat tertinggi pemerintah daerah adalah…. a. provinsib. distrikc. Kecamatand. kotamadya9. Polisi memerintahkan kami untuk tidak belok kiri. Dia bilang ….a. Belok kiri !b. Jangan belok kiri!c. Jangan parkir di sini!d. Lewat sini !10.Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Semester 2 gambar 1Tanda itu berarti ….a. kita tidak bisa berhenti disinib. kami tidak diperbolehkan masukc. kami tidak diperbolehkan untuk berbalikd. kita tidak bisa parkir di sini11. A: “Bolehkah aku meminjam pensilmu?”B: …………………a. Sama-samab. Tentu sajac. Ya, inid. Terima kasih12. Lantainya kotor. Ibumu bilang ….a. menyapu lantai !b. cuci lantai!c. sirami lantai!d. Mengepel lantai !13. ….! Bayinya sedang tidur.Sebuah. Jangan berisikb. Jangan malasc. Jangan marahd. Jangan diam14. Panas. Nyalakan ….a. televisib. lampuc. kipas angind. radio15. Jangan …. kopi!Masih panas.Sebuah. makanb. minumc. lihatd. buka16. Ayah melarang saya berenang di sungai.Dia bilang ….a. Berenang di sungai !b. Jangan berenang di sungai!c. Jangan berenang di sungai!d. Tidak berenang di sungai!17. Jaga ….!Guru sedang menjelaskan pelajaran.Sebuah. mengatakanb. diamc. melihatd. berisik18. Kami akan melakukan latihan di halaman. Guru kami berkata ….a. Buka bukumub. Tutup bukumuc. Letakkan bukumud. Kemasi bukumu19. Pak Rizal memerintahkan Danu untuk diam.Dia bilang ….a. Ayo bicara!b. Diamc. Bicaralah !d. Jangan diam20. Vina sedang sakit. Dia harus pergi ke ….a. perawatb. guruc. dokterd. polisijawab lah dengan benar, maaf kalau salah soalnya karena bukan pr​





9.b.jangan belok kiri!

10.(gda gambarnya)


12.a.menyapu lantai

13.a.jangan berisik

14.c.kipas angin


16.b&c jangan berenang di sungai!


18.b.tutup bukumu



semoga membantu maaf kalau salah:)



b.jangan belom kiri!

maaf g ada ft nya disitu

b.tentu saja

a.menyapu lantai

a.jangan berisik

c.kipas angin


b.jangan berenang disungai!


a.buka bukumu



maaf sepertinya sebagian ada yang salah

11. d.CSC2 60°-cos2 60°2cot60°.cot 60°JGAS BAHASA INGGRIS KELAS X (Guru Mapel Widi Arianti Valentina, S.Pd)INGGU KESEBELASateri: Narrative Text, Chapter 13tunjuk : Kerjakan di selembar kertas, tulis tugas minggu ke 11, tulis nama dan kelagas:Baca teks di halaman 172Tulis soal dan jawab pertanyaan berikut ini: (soal dan jawaban dalam Bahasa Inggris)1. Where is the legend of Malin Kundang from?2. Why did Malin Kundang and his mother live hard?3. What did Malin Kundang do to live?4. Why did Malin Kundang leave his mother?5. What happened many years after Malin Kundang join the sail?6. What did his mother do when Malin Kundang came to the beach?7. What did Malin Kundang say to his mother?8. What did his mother do when Malin Kundang denied her as his mother?9. What happened after that?10. What is the moral of the story?​



CSC2 60°-cos2 60°

2cot60°.cot 60°

JGAS BAHASA INGGRIS KELAS X (Guru Mapel Widi Arianti Valentina, S.Pd)



: Narrative Text, Chapter 13

tunjuk : Kerjakan di selembar kertas, tulis tugas minggu ke 11, tulis nama dan kela



Baca teks di halaman 172

Tulis soal dan jawab pertanyaan berikut ini: (soal dan jawaban dalam Bahasa Inggris)

1. Where is the legend of Malin Kundang from?

2. Why did Malin Kundang and his mother live hard?

3. What did Malin Kundang do to live?

4. Why did Malin Kundang leave his mother?

5. What happened many years after Malin Kundang join the sail?

6. What did his mother do when Malin Kundang came to the beach?

7. What did Malin Kundang say to his mother?

8. What did his mother do when Malin Kundang denied her as his mother?

9. What happened after that?

10. What is the moral of the story?



CSC2 60°-cos2 60°

2cot60°.cot 60°

JGAS BAHASA INGGRIS KELAS X (Guru Mapel Widi Arianti Valentina, S.Pd)



: Narrative Text, Chapter 13

tunjuk : Kerjakan di selembar kertas, tulis tugas minggu ke 11, tulis nama dan kela



Baca teks di halaman 172

Tulis soal dan jawab pertanyaan berikut ini: (soal dan jawaban dalam Bahasa Ing

12. Contoh : 1. Rika: “Can you come and help me to lift the table.” Feni: “I’m sorry, I can’t. I (fry) bananas.”Rika: “Can you come and help me to lift the table.”Feni: “I’m sorry, I can’t. I’m (frying) bananas.”Soal:2.Look, the children are very happy outside. They (play) football in the rain. 3.I know that the sun usually shines brightly in Ambon. But when I (go) there for a short tour last December, the sun (not, shine) at all. It (be)cloudy every day. It (rain) again and again.4. After almost three weeks with a lot of school work, I’m glad that the school (hold) sports and arts competion this week. I (take) part in the solo singer competition. Last year I (not, take) part in the competition because I (have) a very bad sore throat.5. My uncle is a very good badminton player. Now he (practise) hard for the Mayor’s Cup next week. Two days ago when I (go) to his house to ask him to cut my hair, he (be) not at home. My aunt (say) he (practise) badminton in the sports hall. I understand I should not disturb him now because he (prepare) for the match. Next week I will have no time to play around because I (watch) all his matches.6. Fajar: More than 10 people from our class are going to go jogging up the Cimacan hill next Sunday. Are you coming? Harni: I’m sorry, I can’t go with you. A niece of mine (celebrate) her 15th birthday. I (attend) her party.7. The thief broke in when everyone (sleep) very soundly. Unfortunately, he (trip) over something and (bump) his head on the big cupboard, so my mom and dad (wake) up. With my mom’s help, my father could catch him while he (try) to get up. When I (wake) up because of the noise, I was surprised. My father (tie) the thief to the chair, and my mother (call) the police. I’m very proud of my brave parents.8.One of the happiest moments in my life is having a family gatheringin my grandma’s house once a year during the school holidays.Everybody keeps talking and laughing. My aunts and uncles (still, talk)happily when I (wake) up at one last night. At this moment, while they(prepare) the lunch, they (talk) noisily in the big kitchen. And, I’m surethey (talk) until they go to bed late tonight.tugas bahasa Inggris kelas 9 halaman 103-104dibantu JawabTERIMAKASIH!​

2. Look, the children are very happy outside. They are playing football in the rain.

3. I know that the sun usually shines brightly in Ambon. But when I went there for a short tour last December, the sun was not shining at all. It was cloudy everyday. It was raining again and again.

4. After almost three weeks with a lot of school work, I’m glad that the school is holding sports and arts competions this week.

I am taking part in the solo singer competition. Last year I did not take part in the competition because I was having a very bad sore throat.

5. My uncle is a very g
ood badminton player. Now he is practising hard for the Mayor’s Cup next week. Two days ago when I went to his house to ask him to cut my hair, he was not at home.

My aunt said she was practising badminton in the sports hall. I understand I should not disturb him now because she is preparing for the match.

6. Fajar: More than 10 people from our class are going to go jogging up the Cimacan hill next Sunday. Are you coming?

Hani: I’m sorry, I can’t go with you. A niece of mine will be celebrating her 15th birthday. I’ll be attending her party.

7. The thief broke in when everyone was sleeping very soundly. Unfortunately, he tripped over something and bumped his head on the big cupboard, so my mom and dad woke up.

With my mom’s help, he could catch him while he was trying to get up. When I woke up because of the noise, I was surprised.

My faher was tying the thief to the chair, and my mother was calling the police. I’m very proud my brave parents.

8. One of the happiest moments in my life is having a family gathering in my grandma’s house once a year during the school holidays.

Everybody keeps talking and laughing. My aunts and uncles were still talking happily in the living room when I woke up at one last night.

At this moment, while they are preparing the lunch, they are talking noisily in the big kitchen.

And, I’m sure they will be talking until they go to bed late tonight.

Semoga membantu, maaf kalo salah


13. jawaban buku bahasa Inggris kelas 9 halaman 8 yang situation 2-5​


Dayu is going to participate in a bike race to celebrate the Independence Day. Siti shows her hope that Dayu will get a prize.

The conversation:

Dayu: “Siti, wish me luck. I will take part in a bike race to celebrate the Independence Day.”

Siti: “Good luck, Dayu. You always such a good bike racer. I hope you will get a prize!”


Edo’s father has given him permission to go hiking. Beni is happy for him and expresses his hope that he will have a safe trip.

The conversation:

Edo: “Thank God. Finally my father gives me permission to go hiking.”

Beni: “Wow, congratulation! After all this time you didn’t join us to go hiking. Always be careful, I hope you will have a safe trip.”


Lina tells Udin that she will get a scholarship from the government to finish her school. Udin congratulates her and wishes her for the best with her studies.

The conversation:

Lina: “Udin, I will get a scholarship from the government to finish my school.”

Udin: “I am really proud of you, Lina! Congratulation for the achievement. Best wishes for your study, I hope it going well.”


Beni has fulfilled all the requirements to run for the OSIS Chairman. Udin is happy for him and hopes that he will be the next OSIS Chairman.

The conversation:

Beni: “The vice principal said that I met all the requirements to run for the OSIS Chairman.”

Udin: “I know you will, you are such a good candidate. I’m so happy for you, I hope you will be the next OSIS Chairman!”

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